Tuesday, 20 August 2013

The Far North

Well, I have retired from the NB school system but not teaching.  I have decided to continue my teaching in NWT.  In May, I accepted a job in the community of Lutsel K'e, a 40 minute plane ride from Yellowknife.  So this is my new adventure.
We arrived yesterday and we were greeted by this beauty,

We had supper at the Wild Cat Cafe and this plane landed as we ate,

Yellowknife and the rest of the NWT are built on the Canadian Shield, which I learned about in grade 5. I remember thinking that it just sounded like rock and it is just ROCK and it is beautiful.

So here I am heading to downtown YK along the Frame trail beside Frame Lake.

And here is David. Lots of rocks!!!!

We had to visit some quilt shops. They were very nice with lots of stuff you never see at home.

We had a great day and we will be renting a car tomorrow and driving to Cameron Falls, about 45 minutes away.

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